Singapore Masonic Library

The Singapore Masonic Library, which is located on 2nd Floor of Freemasons' Hall in Singapore. contains about 1,500 books and periodicals relating to freemasonry. The emphasis being on materials relating to the Eastern Archipelago. Throughout your journey as a Freemason, it is a continuing learning process. You are encouraged to make use of the resources that are available on this web site and in the library.

Click on the red tab and not the banner in each section to access papers. Please note that there can be an issue with Microsoft Edge browser and opening of PDF Files. Check on the web how to get around it or use another browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer etc. Alternatively right click on your mouse and "Open in a new window" or "open in private window".

It is currently a reference library, so books cannot at present be removed from the premises. If you need access to the library between 9 am and 7 pm please contact Ricky at the Masonic Hall Board and he will let you in. Please note that the Masonic Library is covered by three security cameras that record all activities in the library.

Donations of books and papers covering masonic activities, both hard copy and electronic, are welcome. 

The current librarian is Michael Gray and he can be contacted at email: Please note that only Freemasons can have access to the 'Freemasons Only' section. To request access please submit your full name, lodge name, lodge number, constitution and gmail address. The right of allowing access remains with the librarian. 

This website is designed to both provide resources for masonic research and materials that will help the reader understand freemasonry better. The collection on this site contains more than 200 papers from The Lodge St Michael, including early ones going back to its founding in 1902. The site also includes most of the copies of the Pentagram including the first one issued in 1909. There are early soft copies of the Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, including the first one from1888. Hard copies of most of the later editions are in the library. Many of the early articles are fascinating, particularly to the extent that they exhibit the high commitment of freemasons at that time to research and the publication of their research. Further books and papers will be added as they become available.

Links to other masonic web sites are included under the info tag.

The Library Committee of the District Grand Lodge of the Eastern Archipelago was formed in the days of Sir Charles Warren, in the 1890's. The nucleus of the library being the books belonging to Lodge Zetland. The Library Committee was and is now closely connected to The Lodge St Michael No 2933, a research lodge based on Lodge Quatuor Coronati, which Sir Charles Warren was the first Worshipful Master. Lodge St Michael was the first lodge in the District to publish its proceedings from 1903 to 1908 under "Transactions of Lodge St Michael", copies of which are reproduced on this web site. In 1909 the Library Committee started the Pentagram, which included District matters in addition to a selection of papers presented to Lodge St Michael. The Pentagram continues to be published,

By 1923, the library contained some three thousand books. These were all lost during the Japanese occupation of Freemasons' Hall. Efforts are now being taken to replenish the library. 

The Singapore Masonic Library is located at :

Freemasons' Hall, 23A Coleman Street, Singapore 179806

It is a short distance from the Central Business District and easily accessible by public transport with the closest Mass Rapid Transit Station being Clarke Quay and City Hall MRT Stations. There are also bus-stops within short walking distance. Taxis are easily available. 

There is no public parking at Freemasons' Hall. Public parking is, however, easily available nearby.