Lodge Histories
This section contains the later published histories of lodges - mostly within the last 20 years
Click on RED tabs to access books (if it does not work right click the RED tab and select "open in new window" or such similar function that may be available)
Centenary Lodge No 7629 EC - 50th Anniversay 1959 to 2009.pdf
DGLEA History of Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters (300th Anniversary of UGLE) - 2017.pdf
DGLMM of Singapore 100 years 1917 to 2017.pdf
Eastern Archipelago District Grand Stewards Lodge Consecration & Installation 2013.pdf
Eastern Archipelago District Grand Stewards Lodge Consecration & Installation 2013.pdf
Edward Holiday Lodge First 21 Years 1964 to 1985 with members directory.pdf
Edward Holiday Lodge First 50 Years 1964 to 2014.pdf
Emerald in the East Chapter KL Constitution & Installation 2003.pdf
Johor Royal Lodge 100 years 1919 to 2019.pdf
Kinta Chapter No 3212 EC 100 Years 1911 to 2011.pdf
Labuan Lodge Consecration & Installation 1997 with directory.pdf
Lodge Elliot 100 years 1912 to 2012.pdf
Lodge Kedah 90 years 1918 to 2008.pdf
Lodge Kedah 100 years 1918 to 2018.pdf
Lodge Singapore 50 th Anniversary 1952-2002.pdf
Lodge St Patrick 50 years 1954 to 2004.pdf
LodgeKinta 100 years 1907 to 2007.pdf
Makepeace Lodge 100 years 1913 to 2013 with members directory.pdf
Makepeace Lodge 100 years 1913 to 2013 without members directory.pdf
Mustapha Osman Consecration & Installation 2011.pdf
Negeri Sembilan Lodge 75th Anniversary 1912 to 1987 with members directory.pdf
Negeri Sembilan Lodge 100th Anniversary 1912 to 2012.pdf
Read Lodge Celebrating 125 Years 1889 to 2014.pdf
St Patrick Royal Arch Chapter 50 years 1958 to 2008.pdf
The Lodge of St George 150th Commerative Yearbook.pdf