Famous Freemasons
Click on RED tabs to access books (if it does not work right click the RED tab and select "open in new window" or such similar function that may be available)
Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles by John Bastin.pdf
DGMs of EA from 1858 to 2003.pdf
DGM of EA from 1858 to 2003.docx
William Napier.docx
Famous members Lodge St Michael.docx
Prominent Members of Lodge St Michael and cvs.doc
Further Prominent Members of Lodge St Michael 1906 - 1920 and their papers.docx
GA Derrick.docx
R W Bro Elliot District Grand Master 1910 - 1920.doc
Raffles, Read and Gottlieb.doc
Sir Walter Napier and the District Grand Lodge 1858-1908.doc
W Bro Arthur Knight and King Edward VII.doc
Profile of some freemasons befoe 1920 by David Bailey.docx
Some Masonic Clerics by DA Bailey.docx
Wlater Makepeace a Man for All Seasons by David Bailey.docx